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Pilot Profession

This profession allows villagers to interact with the TARDIS, serving as pilots to control its flight.

Pilot profession

How It Works

Interacting with a Pilot Villager

  • Payment in Emeralds: To encourage the villager to pilot the TARDIS, players must pay them in Emeralds. Each Emerald adds time to the piloting task, allowing the villager to continue flying the TARDIS.

  • Piloting Time: The villager keeps track of how long they’ve been piloting the TARDIS. If a villager has enough time, they will remain engaged in piloting tasks. If not, they will become upset and demand payment.

The Villager's Role

  • Piloting: When the villager is piloting, they are actively controlling the TARDIS’s flight.

  • Handling Crashes: If the TARDIS is in danger of crashing, the villager will panic, reacting accordingly to the situation.

TARDIS Interaction

  • Flight Status: The state of the TARDIS affects the villager's actions. If the TARDIS is in flight, the villager will perform work-related activities. If it's landing, they will celebrate. If it’s crashing, they will panic.

Tips for Players

  • Pay the Pilot: If you want the villager to continue piloting, make sure to keep them well-compensated with Emeralds. Failing to do so may lead to them stopping their work or becoming unhappy.

  • Watch for Feedback: The villager will communicate their remaining time left with you via right-clicking the villager.


1 Emerald = 5 minutes of flight time

Last modified: 09 February 2025