Pilot Profession
This profession allows villagers to interact with the TARDIS, serving as pilots to control its flight.
How It Works
Interacting with a Pilot Villager
Payment in Emeralds: To encourage the villager to pilot the TARDIS, players must pay them in Emeralds. Each Emerald adds time to the piloting task, allowing the villager to continue flying the TARDIS.
Piloting Time: The villager keeps track of how long they’ve been piloting the TARDIS. If a villager has enough time, they will remain engaged in piloting tasks. If not, they will become upset and demand payment.
The Villager's Role
Piloting: When the villager is piloting, they are actively controlling the TARDIS’s flight.
Handling Crashes: If the TARDIS is in danger of crashing, the villager will panic, reacting accordingly to the situation.
TARDIS Interaction
Flight Status: The state of the TARDIS affects the villager's actions. If the TARDIS is in flight, the villager will perform work-related activities. If it's landing, they will celebrate. If it’s crashing, they will panic.
Tips for Players
Pay the Pilot: If you want the villager to continue piloting, make sure to keep them well-compensated with Emeralds. Failing to do so may lead to them stopping their work or becoming unhappy.
Watch for Feedback: The villager will communicate their remaining time left with you via right-clicking the villager.
1 Emerald = 5 minutes of flight time