TARDIS Refined Wiki Help

Adding Tardis Refined to your Project

In order to add Tardis Refined to your project and begin developing, you will need to create a architectury project

You will need to ensure that your architectury project has the correct Minecraft Version setup in order to begin developing. Throughout this guide, we assume you have at least some experience with writing in Java, and creating Minecraft Mods.

Repository Management

In order to source Tardis Refined, we will be using the Modrinth maven. This helps to assist in developing against released versions in order to maintain addon mod compatibility. We will also add some other mavens in order to source required dependencies for the project

Within your project, locate the build.gradle found at the route of your project and navigate to the allProjects block

allprojects { apply plugin: "java" apply plugin: "architectury-plugin" apply plugin: "maven-publish" ... }

Within this block, find the repositories sub-block, this may already have content in it

repositories { }

Once located, add the following Maven Repositories

repositories { // Modrinth Maven maven { url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven" } // Ladysnake Maven, required for CardinalComponents maven { name = 'Ladysnake Mods' url = 'https://maven.ladysnake.org/releases' } // Fuzzs Mod Resources, required for ForgeConfigAPIPort maven { name = "Fuzs Mod Resources" url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fuzss/modresources/main/maven/" } }

Preparing gradle.properties

Locate the gradle.properties within the root of your project, and open it

Gradle properties

Within this file, add the following entries:

forge_config_api_port_version=<VERSION> tardis_refined_version=<VERSION> tardis_refined_version_forge=<VERSION> cardinalcomponents_version=<VERSION>

You will want to update these values based on the Minecraft Version you are using, you can potentially use the Tardis Refined Github Repository to find relevant values

Adding to Common & Fabric Modules

In order to reference and code against the mod, we must mainly add it to the common and fabric modules, enter the common module and locate the build.gradle

Common Build Gradle
Fabric Build Gradle
Forge Build Gradle

Common Build Gradle

Fabric Build Gradle

Forge Build Gradle

Once you have entered the file, locate the dependencies block which should look something like:

dependencies { modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${rootProject.fabric_loader_version}" }

Update the dependencies block to look like this

dependencies { modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${rootProject.fabric_loader_version}" // Cardinal Components modImplementation "dev.onyxstudios.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-base:${rootProject.cardinalcomponents_version}" modImplementation "dev.onyxstudios.cardinal-components-api:cardinal-components-world:${rootProject.cardinalcomponents_version}" // Tardis Refined modImplementation "maven.modrinth:tardis-refined:${tardis_refined_version}" // Forge Config API Port modImplementation "fuzs.forgeconfigapiport:forgeconfigapiport-fabric:${rootProject.forge_config_api_port_version}" }

Adding to Forge Module

Following from earlier, we navigate to the Forge build.gradle which has a different yet similar approach, where we add the following

dependencies { // Tardis Refined modImplementation "maven.modrinth:tardis-refined:${tardis_refined_version_forge}" }
Last modified: 06 September 2024