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Tardis Refined API Events (Common)

The Tardis Refined API provides several events that allow developers to interact with the TARDIS's functionality. These events are triggered at specific points in the TARDIS's lifecycle, such as when it takes off, lands, or changes its shell.

Take Off Event


The TAKE_OFF event is triggered when a TARDIS takes off. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, LevelAccessor, and BlockPos of the TARDIS.

public interface TakeOff { EventResult onTakeOff(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, LevelAccessor level, BlockPos pos); }

Land Event


The LAND event is triggered when a TARDIS lands. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, LevelAccessor, and BlockPos of the TARDIS.

public interface Land { void onLand(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, LevelAccessor level, BlockPos pos); }

TARDIS Entry Event


The TARDIS_ENTRY_EVENT is triggered when a living entity enters a TARDIS. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, LivingEntity, TardisNavLocation of the source, and TardisNavLocation of the destination.

public interface TardisEntry { void onEnterTardis(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, LivingEntity livingEntity, TardisNavLocation sourceLocation, TardisNavLocation destinationLocation); }

TARDIS Exit Event


The TARDIS_EXIT_EVENT is triggered when a living entity exits a TARDIS. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, LivingEntity, TardisNavLocation of the source, and TardisNavLocation of the destination.

public interface TardisExit { void onExitTardis(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, LivingEntity livingEntity, TardisNavLocation sourceLocation, TardisNavLocation destinationLocation); }

Door Closed Event


The DOOR_CLOSED_EVENT is triggered when the TARDIS door is closed. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface CloseDoor { void onDoorClosed(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }

Door Opened Event


The DOOR_OPENED_EVENT is triggered when the TARDIS door is opened. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface OpenDoor { void onDoorOpen(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }

Shell Change Event


The SHELL_CHANGE_EVENT is triggered when the TARDIS changes its shell. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, ResourceLocation of the theme, and a boolean indicating if the shell change was caused by a TARDIS being set up from a root shell.

public interface ShellChange { void onShellChange(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, ResourceLocation theme, boolean isSetupTardis); }

Desktop Change Event


The DESKTOP_CHANGE_EVENT is triggered when the TARDIS desktop is changed. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface DesktopChangeEvent { void onDesktopChange(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }

TARDIS Crash Event


The TARDIS_CRASH_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS crashes. It provides the TardisLevelOperator and TardisNavLocation of the crash.

public interface TardisCrash { void onTardisCrash(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, TardisNavLocation crashLocation); }

Upgrade Unlocked Event


The UPGRADE_UNLOCKED event is triggered when a TARDIS unlocks a new upgrade. It provides the TardisLevelOperator and Upgrade.

public interface UpgradeUnlocked { void onUpgradeUnlock(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, Upgrade upgrade); }

Player Control Interact Event


The PLAYER_CONTROL_INTERACT event is triggered when checking if player control can be used. It provides the TardisLevelOperator, Control, and ControlEntity.

public interface CanControlBeUsed { EventResult canControlBeUsed(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, Control control, ControlEntity controlEntity); }

TARDIS Setup Event


The TARDIS_SETUP_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS is set up from a root shell. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface TardisSetup { void onTardisSetup(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }

TARDIS Break Event


The TARDIS_BREAK_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS breaks. It provides the TardisLevelOperator and TardisNavLocation of the break.

public interface TardisBreak { void onTardisBreak(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, TardisNavLocation breakLocation); }

TARDIS Repair Event


The TARDIS_REPAIR_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS is repaired. It provides the TardisLevelOperator and TardisNavLocation of the repair.

public interface TardisRepair { void onTardisRepair(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator, TardisNavLocation repairLocation); }

TARDIS Dematerialize Event


The TARDIS_DEMATERIALIZE_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS dematerializes. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface TardisDematerialize { void onTardisDematerialize(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }

TARDIS Rematerialize Event


The TARDIS_REMATERIALIZE_EVENT is triggered when a TARDIS rematerializes. It provides the TardisLevelOperator.

public interface TardisRematerialize { void onTardisRematerialize(TardisLevelOperator tardisLevelOperator); }
Last modified: 06 September 2024